Mesoamerican & Colonial Mexico Studies
Coming Soon In May 2017...
Blood Realm of The Tlatuanis of Ancient Mexico

Mexico's Tlatuani of the great Aztec capital city Tenochtitlan expanded the Mexica empire by convincing the populus of the need for more blood sacrificial victims. Find out more about the latest archeological symposium findings by clicking the link above.


Discover Ancient Mesoamerica & Enchanting Colonial Mexico, Join The Art History Society Today!

For centuries cultures in the region of Southern Mexico developed sophisticated civilizations rivaling even Mesopatamia and Europe.
Colonial Mexico represents the period of struggle between European and Indigenous idealogies while under Spanish rule. Today, modern Mexico is a thriving metropolis of refinement in industry, art, literature and maintains a deep cultural heritage waiting to be discovered.

• Immerse in intimate study on the social evolution that resulted in today's Mexico.
• Get the latest updates on annual symposiums hosted by Cal State L.A. faculty and honored guests.
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