Welcome to The Grand Inquisitor

This project was done to research how to design and develop an entertaining multimedia game that educates. It is an alternative form of educational content I branded, The Grand Inquisitor. The game is designed to be retrofitted with various media to teach a variety of subjects while actively engaging students. Play using art is as important to learning as is traditional analytical thinking in the classroom. The intent of my research was to find balance in embracing play as an engaging strategy that did not distract from instruction. The benefit is an alternative approach to teach certain subjects as a fun alternative approach. The Grand Inquisitor challenges opponents to a duel of knowledge in fierce competition between an all-knowing wizard authority and the player. To proceed, please mouse over and click or select "Play The Grand Inquisitor" below.

Patrick D Khan © All Rights Reserved 2020. Under no circumstances should this game/activity or any component of it be used or copied without written permission from the designer, pdk. Warning! This work is protected by law and legal steps taken to avoid plagerism of its character, content and components that are visible as part of the interactive or discriptive nature of ©The Grand Inquisitor, 2020.